Monday, February 27, 2006

Hooray for blogs!

This blog will be used by Hamline students and staff who are participating in the Spring Break Service-Learning trips to New Orleans. We will hopefully be able to update daily, though we won't know until we get down there and check out the conditions. More later!

-Toni Hauser


At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Hamline Students!

Greetings from campus where it is overcast and snowy today. I write to send you encouragement and thanks for all that you are doing to assist people who have been so dramatically affected by Katrina. Whenever people hear that you are spending your spring break helping others in this way, they are amazed and proud. Although you are tired, emotionally and physically, know that you carry with you the "spirit of Hamline" that characterizes the strength, determination and compassion you are showing others. Well done! I look forward to hearing about your experiences upon your return.
President Hanson


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